Just a Thought...
October 16th, 2022
Regardless of the type of ministry we believe ourselves to be called into.If we believe we must dress like the world, act like the world, speak as those in the world speak or continue to love the thin...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
October 15th, 2022
If someone takes scripture out of context in an attempt to confirm their nefarious doctrine, does Revelation 22:18-19 apply?Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
October 14th, 2022
Never confuse motivational rhetoric, which has no divine power to save anyone, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the ONLY power of God unto salvation.Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
October 6th, 2022
We can preach the most informative message ever preached about the life of Jesus Christ.But if we don’t know Him well enough to personally introduce Him to our listeners; what good have we accomplishe...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
October 4th, 2022
 If we ever got an understanding that every earthly trinket, we have ever desired, collected and treasured will one day deteriorate and burn, the following verses would begin to make sense to us.“Lay ...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
October 1st, 2022
I have been a pastor for thirty-nine years. In that time, nothing strikes more disappointment into my spirit than to see a picture on social media of someone I had pastored at one time posing with a b...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
September 29th, 2022
Before every journey there is a required preparation.“Prepare to meet thy God!”Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
September 28th, 2022
I almost decided to separate myself from all the ‘negative’ people and influences in my life and only associate with those of a ‘positive’ persuasion.You know the type. Those who continually flatter m...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
September 27th, 2022
Not only is Jesus the only way to the Father,“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6).”He is the only door to His Church.“The...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
September 26th, 2022
If the truth be known, in most cases, it’s not really faith in Christianity people abandon.It’s not really faith in “organized religion” they reject.It is the Jesus Christ of the bible, the author and...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
September 25th, 2022
A vast majority of church people, as it pertains to the preaching of the Gospel, will believe anything or will do anything in order to keep from having to say anything.”......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
September 24th, 2022
Today churches are filled with ministers and congregants whose primary quest is to secure their best life now. Most lack any concern for the preparation of their eternal condition.Others have forsaken...  Read More
by Chuck Morley