Just a Thought...
February 23rd, 2023
We can have a wall full of theological degrees.We can have a library full of books about what Jesus ‘did.’But until we commit our selves to living what He ‘said;’The fruit of Biblical salvation will c...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 23rd, 2023
The Living Gospel (Jesus Christ) focuses on reconciling us with the Father by our faith in Christ’s finished work on the Cross.The Holy Spirit, through the power of the written Living Gospel leads us ...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 23rd, 2023
Acquiring riches has never been a confirmation of having God’s righteousness, nor has poverty ever been considered evidence of possessing His piety.You must be Born-Again on the terms of the Gospel.On...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 15th, 2023
A true Christian will never separate himself from the toxic, negative, self-entitled, narcissistic, controlling, drama king or queen he has to deal with in his everyday life.He, like Jonah, will march...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 12th, 2023
The focal point of the Word of God is not, nor has it ever been the prosperity of believers.The focal point of the Word of God is, and always will be, the Cross of Jesus Christ and what He accomplishe...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 9th, 2023
Many believe we can be the Church, without ever joining or even regularly attending a particular Church.Soon we will come to ourselves and see the impossibility of trying to be or represent something ...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 8th, 2023
When a Christian’s objective is not leading people to Jesus Christ, their focus will usually be on getting people to follow them.Just a thought… ......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 7th, 2023
A lone sheep does not necessarily constitute a flock.Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 6th, 2023
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me (John 10:27):” A sheep (type of follower of Jesus) who abandons the flock (type of the Church) will eventually wander far enough from the f...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 4th, 2023
It doesn’t matter what we think.It doesn’t matter how we feel.It doesn’t matter what our friends say or do.The only thing that matters is what the Word of God, in context says, because that is the Hol...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
February 2nd, 2023
Just about all false doctrine will contain a certain degree of Truth. But since a partial truth is never Holy Spirit inspired (2Timothy 3:16-17), it has no power to produce a Biblical Christian.“Study...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
January 31st, 2023
If our ministry is built on our eloquent oratory skills, our musical or instrumental talent, our size or budget, or our watered-down inoffensive messages complete with false prosperity prophecies and ...  Read More
by Chuck Morley