Just a Thought...

Everybody wants to be like Jesus when it comes to raising the dead, opening blinded eyes, loosing the tongues of the mute and giving hearing to the deaf.
They love the idea of feeding thousands with only a few fish and a couple of loaves of bread, walking on the water and casting out devils.
But what about being identified with the Jesus who was rejected by those He came to save and deliver? The Jesus stripped naked, mocked and crowned with two-inch thorns. How about the Jesus betrayed by one of His closest friends?
The Jesus who suffered the agony of having His flesh literally ripped from His back and legs with whips studded with broken glass and sharp pieces of metal?
The Jesus beaten within an inch of His precious life, then having the remainder of it nailed to a cross to suffer a slow and agonizing death?
Any volunteers?
Just a thought…

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