Just a Thought...
May 10th, 2023
The Bible doesn't teach Christians to have a "positive" mindset.It commands us to put on the "mind of Christ."One is flesh - One is Spirit.Just a thought... ......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
May 7th, 2023
Where is the line so many cross that makes them think they’re too sophisticated for a biblical relationship with Jesus Christ?Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
May 2nd, 2023
As we watch the news and witness the scriptures, concerning the last days, being fulfilled at exponential speed. We would wonder why the excitement concerning Christ’s imminent return for His Church i...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
April 20th, 2023
Everybody wants to be like Jesus when it comes to raising the dead, opening blinded eyes, loosing the tongues of the mute and giving hearing to the deaf.They love the idea of feeding thousands with on...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
April 19th, 2023
If we refuse to preach against sin and will not cry out the warning of its eternal punishment.If we will not proclaim the bondage breaking power of the spotless Lamb of God, along with the Biblical re...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
April 18th, 2023
If thinking, we are a Christian but remaining unchanged spiritually – we are still lost eternally.Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Don't Lose the Presence of God
April 10th, 2023
Don’t Lose the Presence of God         I have a good friend who pastors a church not far from ours. Not only does he pastor, but he and his family also own several small, but very successful, business...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
April 8th, 2023
How can Christian churches allocate time in their services tomorrow, lifting up the Easter Bunny (a pagan deity) along with Easter Egg Hunts and then try to preach an anointed sermon about the resurre...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
April 3rd, 2023
Hollywood, California is often referred to as “The Entertainment Capitol of the World.”Too bad so much of the Church would consider having that title an honor.Just a thought…......  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
April 2nd, 2023
Why would Christians strive so hard to be accepted by men and their organizations, when at salvation, we were accepted by God and made, by His Grace, a part of Christ’s beloved.“To the praise of the g...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
March 31st, 2023
If we put our salvation faith in our religion/denomination, we will miss God.If we put our salvation faith in our favorite celebrity preacher, we will miss God.If we put our salvation faith in our own...  Read More
by Chuck Morley
Just a Thought...
March 30th, 2023
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thou...  Read More
by Chuck Morley